Palmetto Medicare

Contact Us Now: (803) 960-9484

Cover the Remaining Percentage of Your Healthcare Costs

Enroll in a Medicare Supplement Plan in Columbia, SC and Surrounding Areas

Normal Medicare covers up to around 80% of your healthcare costs. What can you do about the rest? That's where a Medicare supplement plan comes in.

Palmetto Medicare helps seniors in Columbia, SC and surrounding areas enroll in a Medicare supplement policy that will cover any additional costs in their healthcare bills. Also called Medigap, these supplementary plans will greatly reduce any remaining out-of-pocket expenses, so you don't have to break the bank to stay healthy. Reach out to our team today to discuss your options.

What Does a Supplemental Plan Cover?

If you've never had a supplement plan before, you may not know what it covers. Well, Medicare supplement plans cover healthcare costs like...

  • Coinsurance
  • Copayments
  • Deductibles

Different plans cover different amounts of the cost, but with over 16 years of experience, we know the ins and outs of each one. Call (803) 960-9484 now to discover which Medicare supplement policy is right for you.

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